So today after ward prayer, the three friends that I have in my ward that are not my roommates came over to our apartment. David, who is a hilarious big Mexican boy, was getting mad at his roommate Phil who is a sweetie pie. David was doing the arguing so it was pretty much hilarious. To hide my laughter I put my hair in my face like I was smelling it, which for some reason really bothers David. So he says to Phil, "Look what you made Rachel do! She is smelling her hair like Bella Swan. That hair sniffer."
Well needless to say, I was somewhat offended by this statement because who in their right mind would like to be compared to Bella Swan? So to this I asked when Bella even smells her hair and David said, "The part where Edward is acting like she smells really bad so she smells her hair and thinks nope, it smells of strawberries." To this statement I replied, "I am not even like Bella Swan because my hair is blond, I am not dating a vampire, and my best friend is not even a werewolf." And then (This is the whole point of my story) David replied, "Yes, because I am your best friend and I am a werewolf." And then I shouted out with joy because ever since I met David it has been my (not-so) secret dream that we would become best friends because this boy is HILARIOUS! So that is all my story. And what a good one it was.
This is the funniest story ever!!! I like that David kid!